No matter what the reason-- I got your back! I've included 10 of my favorite SIMPLE homemade recipes that you can make with lavender essential oil. And I hate to toot my own horn, but I think these DIYs can benefit your entire family.
But first, we have to know a little bit more about Lavender Essential Oil.
Lavender Essential Oil 101
Lavender essential oil has a pretty amazing history. It takes us back about 2500 years when the Romans used Lavender to scent their baths, beds, clothes and even hair. In fact, Lavender derives its name from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning ‘to wash”. But as more and more people began using it, they found more and more ways it benefited them.
During the Medieval times, people thought lavender was a symbol of love-- but they disagreed on how exactly it worked. Some thought it symbolized purity and others found the aphrodisiac qualities undeniable!
It wasn't until French scientist Rene Gattefosse discovered lavender's ability to promote tissue generation that lavender was placed into the British Pharmacopoea. Cool, huh?
Other uses include...
- Cleaning properties
- May help promote clear, smooth skin
- Promotes cellular health
- Reduces feelings of daily stress
- Improves concentration
- Purifies the air
- Supports cardiac and respiratory health
- Uplifting to the mood
- Reduces excess sebum on skin
- Can be used to help ease PMS symptoms
- Helps to keep hair and skin healthy
- Improve sleep quality
- Gentle enough to use on babies
Sleepy Time Linen Spray
Ah. Sleep. We all want it, but so many of us don't get enough. Or at least it doesn't feel like it! Try spraying your linens before bed with this lavender sleepy time spray to help you fall asleep fast!
You can also try this Sandman Spray by The Hot Pink Crunch.
Clear Skin Moisturizing Serum
This is my favorite serum base of all many of my DIY beauty hacks. I will often add other essential oils like Frankincense for youthful skin or Manuka for radiant skin, but I always use this Clear Skin Moisturising Serum Base. Feel free to add your own unique twist to this simple serum.
- 1 oz jojoba oil
- 1 oz Rose hips or avocado oil (rosehips is best for aging skin and avocado is best for dry skin, but you can also use almond for all skin types)
- 5-10 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- Manuka Moisturizer (I use this during the winter)
- Wrinkle Blasting Moisturizer (I use this the rest of the year)
Lavender is a great essential oil to use on babies! Not only is it calming and helps to keep them happy, but it also is great for their delicate skin.
Try these great recipes with our without the extra essential oils.
- Easy Baby Butt Balm from Jaime. I love this one because it's only 3 ingredients!
- Don't Mess With Mama Diaper Balm
Uplifting and Relaxing Aromatherapy
When you are feeling blue or stressed, try diffusing lavender essential oil. You can add other scents such as orange to make it more uplifting or Frankincense to make it more relaxing, but I often find that lavender by itself is just perfect.
Just add 5-7 drops of lavender essential oil to a standard diffuser such as the Home Diffuser or Dew Drop Diffuser or put 1-2 drops in a diffuser necklace to get aromatherapy all day.
Check out these great necklace shops! Be sure to pay attention to the descriptions-- not all work as diffuser necklaces, but remember lava stones are a GREAT way to transform a normal piece of jewelry into diffuser jewelry.
Hair Care Hack
I don't know about you, but I don't like the chemicals in most retail hair care products, but if you find a good brand that you trust-- why not add a few drops of lavender to your shampoo and conditioner bottles?
Adding 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil per oz of shampoo or conditioner can help your hair to retain its shine, promotes hair growth, and can even keep your scalp healthy and happy.
Just make sure that your lavender is high-quality lavender and not one that uses additives, pesticides or synthetic components. These artificial additives can irritate your scalp and in the worst cases, cause hair loss. You can find out more about how to find quality essential oil by clicking the link.
**Try the EWG Skin Deep Database to help you find a good, non-toxic shampoo and conditioner!
Pet Calm
This is simple! You are going to LOVE this one!

If you are lucky enough to have Peace and Calming-- you can try this DIY from Lavender and Latte.
For cats, consider diffusing essential oil during stressful times. For instance, I have a car diffuser (like this one) and I put lavender in it whenever my cats need to go to the vet. It stops the meowing and panic feeling and replaces it with a nice cat nap! It was a life saver when we moved from Florida to North Carolina with five cats. Can you believe that in 8-hour drive we heard exactly 4 meows?
Also, check out these 6 Natural Ideas to Support Your Dog's Health.
**Essential oils should not be used topically on cats, birds or other small animals without an exact "prescription" from your local holistic vet.
Super Moisturizing Homemade Lotion
If you want to try your hand at making a simple lotion, this is a great place to start. My friends over at Oh Lardy like to keep things simple and I love that about them!
Check out their recipe here: Oh Lardy's Super Moisturizing Homemade Lotion
Did you know that making your own makeup is EASY? And it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg to make it either!
The nice thing about adding essential oils to your makeup is that you are adding skin strengthening natural ingredients that can help your skin to look radiant and glowing even when you take your makeup off!
Get the Recipe here: DIY Foundation Powder. You can add different essential oils, but lavender by itself is a great place to start. It's great for all skin types!
P.S. Also check out my Makeup Remover.
Stinky Shoe B Gone
If you have stinky shoes, this is an easy hack for you! You can put 1-2 drops of lavender on a cotton ball and shove them inside your stinky shoe overnight. By the morning-- they will be fresh!
If you add Purification essential oil in equal parts-- it will work double time for you!
Lavender Dryer Sheets
Did you know that dryer sheets are one of the most toxic products you can use in your house? I didn't for years, but when I found out... oh nelly! You better believe I ditched them so fast that I didn't even have a replacement for them yet.
Here are my two favorite replacements for those toxic dryer sheets
- Wool Dryer Balls. You just buy wool dryer balls and add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil to each ball. Toss them in with your clothes and TADA! It's easy! You can find wool dryer balls like the ones I use on Amazon.
- Make your own reusable fabric dryer sheets.
- Old scraps of cloth or organic baby wipes
- approx 1 cup of white vinegar
- 20-24 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
- A large glass jar with a wide lid
- Recycled 4 oz jar with lid
My friend Amber does all natural laundry and she used both dryer balls and dryer sheets. She will help you figure out which one is right for you and troubleshooting any problems.
What's YOUR Favorite Lavender Use?
What's your favorite DIY or hack with lavender? Please leave a comment and let us know!
How To Find Quality Lavender Essential Oil
Not all lavender is created equal. I bought a brand once from a retail store that gave me a rash when I applied it to my skin so make sure you are buying a brand that you trust and always do a skin test on a small area before you slather it all over your beautiful bod.
You can find out more about the brand I use by clicking here: Quality Essential Oils or join my Natural Living Essential Group on Facebook here.
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